Unforeseen Consequences: The Prologue

Title may be changed in the future; but for now here’s the prologue of my upcoming more serious comic series.

I’m hoping to gradually show more of the Employers’ dimension as the series goes on, for now I’ve started very subtlety. I probably do some cover pages when I am sure on the title.


That’s a swanky intro :open_mouth:

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Thank you! ^^ Now I can work more on the first chapter, haha.

An interesting intro!
Eager to see where the story is headed.



There’s five planned ‘seasons’ for the series; but some may be longer than others. My main problem with the first one will be trying to remember all the Black Mesa map names, as they do not have preview images in gmod. I think a lot of time is going to be taken up with map jumping to find the right ones for whatever scene I’m working on. ^^;

Fantastic prologue! I look forward to the next episode.

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Glad you released the prologue! Now you’ve taken the first step, and we get a brand new comic to read :nerd_face:

Also, if a prologue is designed to entice the reader to read more, then you’ve succeeded! Instantly hooked. Can’t wait to see where you’re taking us


Thanks guys! It might take a bit of a while to get the first part out, as I’m still unsure on how much I should post at once. But I’ll figure it out! ^^

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Could it be that you have just canonised that GMan’s employers live in Ricochet?

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Lmao, I didn’t even think of that; just was trying to get some unusual lighting effects. :laughing: