Unforeseen Consequences: The Facility - Part 1 REDUX

Some historical context:
Back in the day (we’re talking 16-18 years ago), comic creators had a habit of creating new, “redux” versions of their own comics, sometimes as soon as just a few months after. Andres and his long-lost CRISIS series was a pretty well-known case, he would rather remake the first parts than actually continue the series.

Generally people remade their own comics, but one infamous case (and one of my favorite comics of all time) was Shazbot’s Infection 2 Prologue remake, which took Pyren’s comic and completely reinvented it in Shazbot’s at the time very popular style.

It takes a certain degree of hubris to take someone else’s comic and remake it in your style, so of course I had the idea to do it as well. I thought it’d be an interesting way to contrast styles and show just how different the same comic can be depending on the author. I also wanted to show just how far one can push GMod comics if they’re willing to practice and learn. And frankly, I just thought it’d be fun to do (it was).

I liked Dusk’s first part of her Unforeseen Consequences series and thought it fit my own style well, so I went with that. I didn’t redo the prologue since there wasn’t much to redo and part 1 of The Facility stands alone fairly well anyway. I stuck to the original dialogue with some very minor changes that I felt worked better in my version. By complete coincidence, Dusk’s birthday is coming up, so consider this an early birthday present.

I don’t intend to make any more parts, this is standalone. Though if anyone else wants to do the remaining parts and Dusk is okay with that, be my guest.

Some notes:

  • The idea came up to me on Sept 20, which means this took me around 2 weeks to finish – not full time, of course, I’ve been busier than you can imagine, but it’s just five pages and simple enough to pose and edit;
  • Since I already had Dusk’s comic as a basis and had a fairly good idea of what I wanted out of my version, I ended up doing the layouts first, as it was quicker than posing. This helped me immensely in figuring out the position of characters in the shots and I’ll probably stick to it in the future;
  • I couldn’t have done it without ESToomere, who recognized the map from the early pages as a Black Mesa: Blue Shift map – I initially used the first Black Mesa map, which has that exact session, but it’s culled from the angle the shots were taken;
  • Most shots are entirely in-game. Turns out a poor RTX 2060 is still tough enough to handle half a dozen lamps and Super DOF at 4K. Thank God for Source;
  • Much like the Jeff guest episode last year, I had a ton of fun making this – I honestly kept thinking about it most of the time I wasn’t making it! The fact that I didn’t have to bother with writing a script and it was mostly two or three characters talking helped make it quick and painless to create;
  • Not sure if I’ll throw this one in the archive - maybe I’ll change “Mythos’ Old Comics” to “Mythos’ Other Comics” and put it there? Either way, I’m semi-retired of the archive as is, I just did this one for fun.

Magnificent work though, its awesome to see the comparison of two high quality efforts :smiley:


Unexpectedly, the sly Mythos strikes again.

Amazing job on editing as always! Really like the layout style and the posing is simple and clean, also neatly put together.

Keep surprising us with this kind of stuff, please!


Bloody hell this came out of nowhere! But heck this is so cool; seeing someone else remake my stuff is awesome ngl. I can’t believe you chose one of my comics too. ^^; I’m flattered in all honesty. Hell if anyone does want to try remaking other parts of UC, go for it! I’d love to see it in the various styles of everyone here.

Thank you so much for this gift; I’m already very thankful that I have a few readers for my comics (their feedback keeps me going haha), and this is just something I never expected.

As usual your editing is brilliant and I love some of the angles you chose for the shots too. Also like the fact you used a G-Man model with the black tie to better match HL1.

Also seeing Mythos had tagged me confused the heck out of me when I saw the email at first. XD It’s nice to see you again! Been missing you on the discord.


Mythos came back from the store with milk! :face_holding_back_tears:

I’ll be honest, didn’t expect to see a Redux. That is some oldschool shit right there. And reading the comments on the discord server, its looking like people are getting ideas.

Super nice comic Mythos, congrats! Overall, I’d say my favorite pages are the first and last. But the last one stands out because of the transition from the panel to credits, and then to black, witch is the color that the comic started with. :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:


I really enjoyed this take on the original. Honestly surprised by the out put of this “Mythos” guy, I have a feeling they’ll do well, they may even own their own Discord server one day.


Dude, this is so cool. Love the idea of a Dusk and Mythos team. ’Nuff said!