Lore Thread: The Bureau

A lore information thread for my main comic series, Unforeseen Consequences, and to a lesser extent Interdimensional Bureaucracy. This isn’t completed yet.

The Bureau

  • G-Man, Dusk and the Employers are all part of a bureaucratic shadow government and corporation known only as ‘The Bureau’.

  • They are an interdimensional ancient species of unknown origin.

  • They are eternal and can only be destroyed by another of their own; but their power can be supressed by other powerful entities.

  • Power levels differ from individual to individual; in general however they have abilities far beyond most other species.

  • The reason they talk with a strange cadence and with a lot of odd noises/breathing is because their true language utilises all this for communication, and it just bleeds into any other language they speak. In the comic series any time you see them communing in their own dimension they are actually talking their own language… but that would make the comic unreadable, so it has to be translated to English (of course).

  • To keep their power levels stable they have to consume other sentient beings.

  • Their eyes will sometimes glow.

  • They have the ability to interfere with electrical equipment in various ways. The unusual sounds/music heard when they’re nearby on devices is usually either a method of influencing the general populace, or a communication between agents. Manipulation of machines is just the same as with organic creatures to them.

  • The Bureau’s motives are unknown, but they often use their agents to alter timelines and control the various dimensions. The Combine is their main concern at the moment; knowing that they have become too powerful.

  • They often make deals with mortal races. When conducting business they deal with various currencies across the dimensions.

  • They as a species are quite arrogant; they believe themselves to be superior to all others and it is their right to dictate the fate of the universes. However they do not invade other worlds like the Combine; they prefer to pull strings from the shadows.

  • They love rules, regulations and paperwork. Mortals wouldn’t ever be able to get through the red tape of their government.

  • There is no known true name for their species, they keep it a closely guarded secret.

  • Suits are the attire they prefer. Type and colour of suit is just personal preference. However you won’t see any of them wearing a yellow suit.

The Employers

  • The ruling body of the Bureau is known as ‘The Board’, and the members of this are known as ‘Employers’.

  • There is a higher power at work than the Board, and it is the only one they answer to.

  • There are many Employers who deal with the various departments of the Bureau.

  • The Employers are the most powerful of the bureaucrats. Surpassing an elite agent’s power.

The Agents

  • Agents are the ones who travel interdimensionally to influence timelines of different worlds or make business deals for the Board.

  • ‘Elite Agents’ are the most powerful; and are sent on missions of great importance to the Bureau.

  • Elite Agents are only as powerful as they are because they consume other agents who who have failed to get this rank, taking their power. Regular agents usually do not know of this requirement for the promotion.

  • They hire mortals to work for them, keeping them in stasis until they are needed for a mission.

  • Their true names are never to be used even in their own dimension. They go only by their agent name.

The Dimension

  • Their home dimension has gone by many names throughout history, perhaps it’s true name is not meant to be known. But there are those who have called it ‘Carcosa’.

  • It is best described as an endless abstract city-scape… but trying to describe it a foolish endeavour. The interiors are a distorted maze of offices, board rooms and corridors.

  • You may catch glimpses of a bizarre lake or sea in the distance; but it is not reachable by mortals.

  • The sky is black, despite there being more than one sun.

  • Entities from other species (even mortal) can visit their dimension on business with the correct documents; but are often restricted to the less madness-inducing departments.

  • Those who have visited (and returned) often complain of the absurd bureaucratic nature of both the dimension and the populace.

  • There is a department that deals with complaints. Good luck with the queues.

  • A location of note is the ‘Stasis Nexus’; an endless corridor of dimensional doors leading to countless stasis chambers.

That’s it for now; I may add more information later.