Life Outside the Walls - Episode 5

This episode’s music brought to you by Siouxsie & the Banshees

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Love the pacing of this, even the action scene doesn’t just zip by.
Takes its time and has fun every step of the way.
Like skipping to a jaunty tune. Or perhaps driving to one :V
The text on “180 Hanatarash” seems tweaked, not sure why,
though I also don’t know what “hanatarash” is, might need to look that up later.

The little anime puff she does and especially the crack in the helmet from when dude get’s shot is just- :pinched_fingers:
Chef’s kiss level perfect.

Very well done!


Your editing is getting better and better; I mean it was good anyway of course. Haha. However yeah, the text that Gobo mentioned is out of alignment; and the panels seem to be affected too.

Anyways, great comic!


What a read. The pacing is great and the editing superb. The dialogue and the layout are very neatly edited, so it’s really enjoyable to read through.

Fun continuation of the story, wonder how it develops!


Thanks for the comments, everyone. I was too anxious to upload this today so I fumbled a bit with formatting and posting in the right section of the forum. It should all be taken care of now.

  • Hantarash means “snot-nosed” in Japanese

  • For this one I did a full storyboard as my script. It works very well, although a number of new panels were added during editing.

  • I was unsure how to incorporate music in this comic. The result was kind of meh, but that’s a limitation of the medium so whatever.

  • All dust was made in Photoshop except for the dust around the crashed Type-36 Hachimoto. By using a bunch of cloud brushes and a low opacity setting I managed to make it look decent. It was a lot of work, and I have yet to master it. If you want to make dust on your own, hmu.

  • Mr. Little is named after Omar Little from The Wire, who wields a hefty Deagle while robbing Prop Joe

  • Despite it being a running joke I’ve done the last 20 years in comic, I have never had the chance to play a game of gin

  • As always, @ArcticAvenger helped me a bunch with this one. The cracks on the helmet, as well as the pulse turret muzzle flash and FX were largely his help. Also the idea of going underground. Thanks, Arctic.


Personally think the music tie-in worked fine, but as you said, limitation of the medium. :people_hugging:

Fascinating to hear of the editing on the dust though, glad you could find something that worked so well!

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I guess you could say… were about to found out in the next issue. :sweat_smile:

Glad to help out, and it’s super nice to see those ideas/suggestions materialise!