Introduce Yourself/"Hi, I'm new!"

Use this topic to introduce yourself to the community.

Hi, I’m Mythos and I started Metrocop way back in 2012 as a place to post comics and obsess over Half-Life.


Hi, I’m Erik, and I’ve creepily lurked after Mythos since the end of PHW to gain his trust and enter the hallowed halls of power… oh and I sometimes release a map.


Hi! I’m George Stukas. Some of you may remember me from such hits as ’PHWonline’ and ’the Mine-Dog mIRC’.

I am an aspiring comic maker, and occasionally hex/make maps. Right now I’m working on my mystery series ’Nattland’, the ongoing-apocalyptic ’Life Outside the Walls’, with plans to relase a new trilogy of comics in October. The theme will be spooky.


You know my name, and you know my fame, I’m finally back, to send you insane.
Chris I am, that’s the name you spy, you better learn it or it’s fry or die.
With comics and SLAMs and videos too, there aren’t many things that I can’t do.

Met-ro, Metrocop. Met-ro, Metrocop is here!

Well, here, back, you get the idea.


Greetings! I’m Petfe, a Gmod comic maker / personal skins shitposter. I’m also fully capable of editing models by using horrendous methods.


I’m Finarooni, I frequently join in on game nights, that’s about where you’d know me from in the Metrocop community.


hello i am boiling and i love gmod


Super excited to see us use a forum!

Hello! My name’s Marco, I was known as Marco Maglic or Divided on both PHW and Facepunch. Nice to meet all of you!

George Stukas forced me to post here


Hello. I’ve been forum hunting for some time, trying to find forums about things I like. Found this through Lambda Generation!


Greetings my fellow Metrocopers, SLAMs are Life, Garry’s Mod is gift, and Touching Grass is trip to heaven


I’m Starlight. I am a Garry’s mod tf2 comic creator who makes TF2 Comics mainly starring custom characters myself and a few friends wrote and designed. I’ve played Garry’s Mod since I was a kid back in 2012 and made comics after playing for a few years, but almost everything from back then has sadly been lost to time. But I returned around 2021-2022 after a long hiatus.


Hey Everyone,

O’Maley here, been around from PHW and FP in comics. Did some back in the day from Steam Wars, Epic Gaming, , etc.

Love seeing the classics come back.


I am The Gobo, also known as Cobo now-a-days,
One has become a title, the other a name, I’ll leave it to you to figure out which is which!
I generally make short single page comics and meme screenshots,
but may occasionally plot to aid Chris in the BDu’s return to power.
But we don’t need to worry about that. For now.


I’m Mjolnir (once known as Mjolnir82991). I’ve been making GMod comics off-and-on since 2005. You might know as the author of “Combine Exchange Program” and “Kenny the Cop.”

I often join in game nights and make smart-ass comments on Discord. (Now I can do that here!)

I also enjoy seeing new comic makers and I hope to see more here!


Hi, Name’s Hunter (well, my online name/handle is at least.).
Been making Gmod poses/comics on and off since early 2010.
Was a part of the perskins thread on FP until it more or less fell apart, and I was also a part of the old metrocop forums. now I mainly stick to discord, deviantart and steam.

Sadly, life hit me hard in a not so good way as I lost my beloved father to cancer last year and my beloved cat back in June due a combination of age and a parasite.
But I’m staying strong as I put myself on a new diet and am losing a good amount of weight with support from my mom, my sisters and their families and have been playing lots of awesome games new and old, and still have a creative output in Gmod at least.

I do hope to see the community grow and thrive as the years goes by.


Greetings! I’m Dusk; here from LambdaGeneration. Thought I’d join as I create gmod machinima (along with my sister) sometimes. Real name is Emma, 36, from the UK. I love Half-Life games… and especially a certain interdimensional bureaucrat from said games…


Hi hi hello everyone!

To those who know me and new peeps: I’m Conan, also known as Gogi. I am an old timey comic dude who’s been part of this community for a good ol’ while. Not the most active dude but I LIVE.


Hi i’m Mazdo.
I’m in the Half-Life community since 2018-2019 and i make stuff on source, i think idk.


Jimbo/Jim_Riley here. I’ve been around the GMOD scene since 2005 which is either sad or impressive depending on how you want to look at it. I made a few comics and was (kinda still) active in the GMOD screenshot community for many periods of time. I am technically working on a few comics still and certainly have ambitions to release a new one in the near future but multiple interests, being in the military and my real-life family mean I need to put in extra effort to dedicate the time. That said, I do thoroughly enjoy releasing content for entertainment’s sake and do want people to enjoy reading my comics and experiencing my stories.


Hi, I’m Yukon/Fort. I’ve been around since 2006ish, was active in the personal skins thread back on Facepunch and still make content for it here and there. I also do SFM renders and model stuff sometimes.