Crossover Guidelines: Dolan

Let the night free me from my flesh.
Let darkness guide me to victory.
Let blood and strength be my sole pursuit.
Let vampire power be my only truth.
A vampire I am. Forever, Vampire and I are one.

Following Dusk’s template here (Personal Skin Guidelines ), but I had to make a separate post cause it was getting too long.

Who is Dolan?

DOB: July 9, 1940 (age 45 in 1985)

Nationality: United States


George Dolan was a prolific scammer active from the early 1970s to the mid-80s. He used schemes such as home repair scams, telephone scams, hacking credit cards, and fake businesses to build his fortune. All off the backs of exploited victims.

In his off-time, he was an occasional serial killer, murdering lone, vulnerable people whenever he got the chance. After stabbing the victim with a knife, he would drain them of their blood and keep it in a jar. For in his human life, Dolan had been fascinated with vampires. These legendary, horrifying creatures deceived and murdered humans with such great ease. Dolan longed for the secret to transform himself into one.

One day, he tried to win big by setting his sights on Mann Co. In one fell swoop, he took billions of dollars. In retaliation, Mann Co. ordered the RED Team to track down and kill Dolan and then make it look like an accident.

They followed him to a church, then covered the exits to prevent Dolan’s escape. With no way out, Burnout set it all on fire while Dolan was trapped inside, screaming as flame consumed his flesh.

They thought that was the last of him until one Halloween night… he came back.

Weapon/Abilities: Dolan prefers killing people with bladed weapons, especially a machete, before consuming their blood. Besides that, he also fights using his vampire abilities. He despises the use of guns because he sees guns as weak, as that’s what a human would do. And Dolan is far beyond human.

(Passive) Blood Leech: Dolan can gain health from killing, making him stronger.

(Passive) Vampire Might: Dolan possesses a power leagues above any mortal man.

Spread Fear: Dolan can scare people like the HHH, stunning and disarming them.

Blood Dash: Dolan ambushes his victims by rushing them with a machete with intense speed and vigor.

Stalk: Dolan can make himself invisible, allowing him to move around the map undetected. If his victims see him vanish, it makes them feel uneasy and paranoid.

Personality: Sadistic, Calculated, Diabolical Narcissist.

He also harbors a huge god complex, believing himself to be a god because of his vampire powers. All vampires believe the sole purpose of life is the selfish pursuit of power. Before using that power to vanquish all of one’s enemies. Once they’re dead, the vampires turn against each other, callously killing their comrades to amass even more power. The ultimate endgame is for one vampire lord to rule eternally over a helpless, enslaved humanity.


  • If your character is stronger than Dolan, I encourage you to kick his shit in. He deserves it.

  • Dolan is a very, very violent character. So if you wanna go for something non-violent, you may wanna look elsewhere.

  • Dolan can never feel regret or remorse for his killings, nor can he ever redeem himself. He must always relish in the torment he causes others, and spreading fear wherever he goes. He literally has to be a piece of shit 24/7.

  • If you want to feature Dolan falling in love, it must be a deranged, selfish form of “love”. Or more accurately, lust. In my personal opinion, the only woman Dolan would “love” is one that is basically a female clone of himself. Even then, he would eventually try to kill her.

  • Dolan can’t use guns.