Audacity was posted originaly in 2018, and was my first Sci Fi comic and major project. I say major, because while I do still have the Ban Ops series, that series is basically me just shitposting.
The whole thing was done in SourceFilmMaker because I disliked Garry’s Mode (I still do).
Inspired by the Titanfall series and the actions of a few madlads in World War 1. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Your comics are the legacy of PHW quality condensed into something that isn’t overtly polished or draws attention to its screenshots. Craftsman is too generic a word to use to describe your skill, rather, a master, in the same sense as ’Dutch Master’, is more apt. I share the same sentiment as @The_Gobo with the TF2-stuff, but I also know that a lot of people really like it, and Audacity is a shining example of what Gmod comic makers could aspire to make.