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Yoyogi is a cool station!

Shinjuku station is in complete renovation mode so the main gate leads to a maze where none of the signs are pointing in a sensible way anymore due to the temporary corridors. At one point it was easier to navigate by temperature.

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I canā€™t share it yet, but Iā€™m listening to what will most certainly become Estoniaā€™s new hot Summer track this year.

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I had no problem getting out of Shinjuku stationā€¦just getting out at the right exit. I always wound up surfacing several blocks away from my intended exit.

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Itā€™s nice when songs are above 20 minutes

Estonian Eurovision song


Lambda tearing it up tonight!

Enjoying the sudden realisation nobody actually ever cares to ask for an ID in Europe?

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What an odd thing to ask, lol

Odd if you live in Virginia, yes. But it is quite common in Europe (I get IDā€™d all the time so no idea what Toom is talking about)

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You mean the whole ā€œif you look under 35ā€ thing?

Iā€™ve looked 35 since I turned 18, so Iā€™ve only been asked to ID myself maybe 4-5 times in 13 years.

George, have you considered a beard?

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Yes, Iā€™m trying to grow me a chin but they stil think I look youthful. Iā€™d say Iā€™ve not gotten IDā€™d 3-5 times in the past 10 years.

Latest time was today, and I bought a frickinā€™ saison even. Like who buys Belgisn trapiste and is under 30?!

Why would an average cashier know that? All they see is ā€œalcohol, 18+ā€

Damn I didnā€™t know you were a protoman fan.

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The Hounds and The Stand are my two fav songs. GOOD good shit.
They have some great covers too.
Used to really like their Queen covers, listened to 'em too much though, not quite as good as the originals

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Well that was some interesting techno beats :smiley: