Unforeseen Consequences: The Cascade - Part 5

I always found the trash compacter part of HL1 strange… and yeah I know Decay had a cut scene with it… but hey that’s not canon. :laughing:


I always wondered what happened to the others, i know theres some theories that Calhoun escaped with kliener n vance, now im curious why barney was allowed and not the others in this canon :open_mouth:


The character development in this is great. Seeing characters from the Gearbox expansions is interesting too, and I like how you thread them into this behind-the-scenes plot. A seriously strong Half-Life story.

PS: Can’t wait to see how you deal with Odessa Cubbage when you get to Half-Life 2.

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Interesting: Rosenberg gets a lot of attention.
Interestinger: BRANKOV! shakes fist


Thank you! I know I’m not the best when it comes to editing and the like, but I at least hope the story is interesting so that means a lot. ^^

And yes I am definitely going to have Odessa Cubbage in later chapters!

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I like Rosenberg, what can I say. :laughing:

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