Unforeseen Consequences: The Cascade - Part 2


I love the look on her face in the penultimate panel. That’s not a look that inspires hope! Anyway, gonna go make a coffee, hopefully back in time for Part 3.


Great sense of action, Dusk. The bullsquid running towards the panel in green light, and it exploding into a gooey pile of gibs… fantastic! Brava!

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Finally, closure on those left behind!


Great Scott! :open_mouth:
She can kick butt!

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Thanks everyone!

And yeah this part at least let me show that Dusk does have power; she just hasn’t really needed to use it at any point so far. Though there was a scene cut from chapter 1 (for space/pacing) where she wiped Rosenberg’s memory after he saw G-Man draining her power near the beginning.

In any case Dusk is not as powerful as G-Man, but as a agent of the Employers is still very capable. :laughing:

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