Unforeseen Consequences: The Bureau - Part 5


  • The boardroom’s colour scheme is reacting to whichever bureaucrat is talking. Unfortuantly for Dusk, she has silver eyes so it’s not as distinctive.

  • Dusk lost her briefcase somewhere between pages 36 and 40. This was just me forgetting she was meant to have it… but a lore reason? Who knows!

  • Yes it’s meant to be obvious that one of the Employers summoned Dusk just at the right moment.

  • Unlike how they actually eat mortal races, they consume their own species in a different manner. It’s a total drain of their energy/power and is the only way to truely kill one.

  • Dusk now being okay with consuming another agent’s power is in contrast to how she reacted when finding out elites did this; Unforeseen Consequences: The Facility - Part 6

  • As there was a few days before the meeting took place. That gave time for G-Man and Dusk to spend time together after being seperated for so long. Enough said.

  • Yes the Employers litrally just disappeared after the meeting was ajourned… why wouldn’t they?

  • I am myself slightly sad that I had to kill off Agent Y so soon. But doesn’t mean he can’t appear in stuff set before chapter 4… or as a disgruntled ghost in Interdimensional Bureaucracy (comedy series) right? XD

Behind The Scenes:

  • Thank you @George_Stukas for the awesome boardroom map!

  • And also thanks to @MadRat for the openable HL2 briefcase model!

  • I wanted to make the doorway to the boardroom look more impressive than a regular door.

  • Posing so many models sitting with just the physgun took a while.

  • Chapter 5 and the epilogue will go through the events of Episode 2 and then the finale to UC. I will probably take a short rest from this before working on it.


Damn good work, Dusk.
Didn’t expect that opening twist :open_mouth:
Glad to see it worked out in the end :smiley:

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Yaaah the editing and lighting is incredible, Dusk! The boardroom looks great drenched in greens and red. And how did you get that effect with Agent Y’s face? Is that a reskin, in-game or somerhing in post?


Thanks. ^^

Agent Y’s face is basically maxed out flex and fine tuning with face-poser. Then a lot of post-process with hue, saturation and contrast tools haha. Can’t quite remember the exact options I used for it though.

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