Unforeseen Consequences: The Bureau - Part 3


In the second half of this issue, Dusk has retreated to her own personal dimension. These planes of existence are where interdimensional bureaucrats can remove themselves from all other dimensions. All of them can do this. Usually these dimensions are not elaborate as it would take too much energy to maintain.

Dusk has made her dimension devoid of all colour except for herself; it actually always looks like that most of the time… it’s not just because she’s depressed!

I’m sure you can guess that G-Man’s personal dimension is the corridor of stars.

Behind The Scenes

So I did have the idea for all this before I went through that month of hell; but I am somewhat channelling how I was feeling a bit with this now. It’s hard to explain how severe OCD can run your life… and sometimes you just want to run away from it all. I would have put myself into stasis during that time if I could. Agent Y does NOT represent my OCD. So please don’t think that; I had the idea for the character ages ago. Dusk however does channel my own emotions a lot. (Errrr… not the killing people thing though… o_O)

On a less depressing note: yeah the greenscreen is a bit funky, I apologize… but hey it’s better than nothing, right? ^^;

I keep debating whether or not I should show the Employers’ faces (humanoid form) in chapter 5 or not, as it’s the last chapter… still unsure.


I hope he ends up impaled on a good spiky crystal before it’s cascaded :V

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Dammit, why is this comment so funny? :laughing:

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Well I for one certainly enjoy like agent Y (as he seems fleshed out as adversary in the story), I also do not like agent Y (because he is a big prick). And the ending quip by Dusk was 100%

You could easily pull off showing the Employers as humanoids. Though I do want to once again say thag I really like the way you portray them as abstract shapes that barely obey the three dimensions (2 dimension? Because its a comic?


Well I did enjoy writing his dialogue tbh, haha, thanks!

Yeah, I’ve already shown them in humanoid form at the board meeting in the first part; just wondering about actually showing their faces at all. It won’t happen in this chapter however, as their faces aren’t shown in any of the shots for this.

I’ve said it before, but I think they all agree that humanoid form is a lot more convenient for board meetings. XD Honestly think I’m just gonna switch between portraying them as human or abstract for whatever works better with the scene.

That’s probably the best!

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