Unforeseen Consequences: The Bureau - Part 2


  • Who knows how long two weeks is in their dimension; but I have to write something to say time has passed.

  • The Bureau’s dimension is vast, with many different departments. Many of them have their own unique ‘design’ as it were. Some are less strange than others… and then some are just so bizarre I don’t think the Source engine could take it.

  • The Employers rarely show themselves in person to agents they think are not deserving of it.

  • Despite Dusk not being an elite agent; she’s the highest rank before that. And a bit of a snob when it comes to lower-ranking agents.

  • I’m going with the idea that most (not all) elite agents go by single letter as their designation. I know that’s very MIB-esque but I couldn’t think of a better reason as to why G-Man is ‘Agent G’. As I’ve stated in my lore thread; agent names are not their true names.

  • So the agent who turns up at the end of this part is an elite specializing in dealing with other agents that are causing problems for the Board. I’ve decided on Agent Y as his designation right now, any thoughts on the matter?

Behind The Scenes

  • The mainframe database screen is meant to look like the status report screens from the games; hence why I used the same font for it.

  • I’ve decided on ‘Agent Y’ as the designation for this other elite agent, any thoughts on the matter?

  • I made his eyes yellow, it was either that or red… but I wanted that for one of the Employers.

  • I was worried it would be silly using the citizen faces for other agents; but tbh I’ve got used to it now. I have been wondering about ever showing the Employers faces (not in this chapter)… but I am unsure about that.

  • I made the text the same colour as the Employers eyes in this part so you know who’s talking, as they don’t actually show up in the scene. That does not apply to the Employer contacting Dusk via the mainframe however.


Good to see Dusk is holding her own in spite of things unfolding against her n’ G :open_mouth:

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This comic is awesome. A lot of this abstract stuff i hard to portray but I think you get across very well in your comics, using every trick available to the medium like colored text, smart shots and well-paced panel work.

Also lol @ being unlikeable

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@The_Gobo She tries! ^^; The Employers aren’t exactly easy to deal with, haha.

@George_Stukas Thank you! ^^

Something I worry about sometimes with this series, is the two main characters not being very likeable… so that was a slight nod to that too. XD

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