Then Go Below

Dusk is probably the only agent in this chunk of observable reality that is willing to read through the EULA to enforce it adequately.

Oh and, nice comic as usual. It’s always cool to see your specific aesthetic. Especially those fancy schmancy speech bubbles of yours. Did you make them yourself?


Dusk’s, yeah I made those in Paint(dot)net,
the RigLink ones though are textures i ripped from a mod on the workshop. I Have 'em saved as a .png now for just this purpose :smiley:
I’ve actually used then several times.

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For now!
The initial reaction is meant to be reminiscent of Vash singing in Trigun,

Everyone knows who he is, and his reputation-
So he plays up to it for a purpose.
In Vash’s case, he’s trying to get the men to surrender because he assumes they’re all just normal people.

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Another sunday, another joyous page to make :smiley:
Wasn’t intending to do seven panels instead of six, but this was kind of an important scene, and the last two panels I actually made in reverse order because I was trying to script on-the-go again.

Early-early this morning, I woke up way out of sync with how sundays normally go, brain was on fire.
Had a great time realizing and figuring out what I wanna do with Squiddy and Gobo individually in terms of narrative, abilities, and purpose. Wasn’t at all expecting any of that, honestly had no idea what I was gonna do with this scene until I went and made it.

Still enjoying the editing side of things more and more-
In the prior page Squiddy has these Riglink speech bubbles that I wanna keep using, but I went overboard with the editing and couldn’t replicate them here because I forgot how I did them.
BUT, ended up just pixelating them anyways because the mask was coming off- both literally and figuratively.

Couple of little things like that snuck in for flavor, would love to see how many, if any, that people notice :smiley:

Thank you all for reading!

Edit: Thiks poskt haskn’t beenk editked okr Altekred tok corrkect a spelkling mistake.
Nokt akt allk


Another glorious Lord’s Day and another fun page!
This one went rather quick, dialogue was a little clunky, but fixing it woulda meant taking one more screenshot and I didn’t feel the need.
Found out there’s an antlion grub ragdoll on the workshop now, so that became what Petfe throws to the floor in front of Barman. Was originally gonna be … Well I’m not at liberty to say at the moment :V
Please also take note of the blue milk crate full of blue bottles on Squiddy’s right in the first panel :3
What ever could those be?
Had some fun posing this one,
was originally gonna have the Jump Kit on Squiddy’s Titanfall skin bonemerged with those plasma shots from the Unreal Tourney pack they have up on the workshop,
But tweaking them to be just right was gonna take all day, so I just used ragdoll mover and welded them to their pelvic bone.
Was very jank posing between panels one and two, but it worked out in the end I think.


The next weekly installment of the comic!
Come one, come all!
See the many details and edits of the page in all its janky glory.

Tried to get this one done early so a few of us could play some DungeonBourne on steam.
Not totally happy with one of the “AUDIO” speech bubbles for the 2nd Squiddy, but the spacing worked out like that, so I stuck with it.
Hope y’all enjoy! :smiley:


Why is everyone being mean to Gobo? Sheesh!

To be fair, I very likely had it coming lol
But it won’t always be like that :stuck_out_tongue:

Time for some lore.

So, I was trying to find a way to state in-comic how Gobo being multiple people worked, and not only what the difference was being a single person, but WHY Squiddy was trying to make that happen.
Not only that- but potentially Why Merrill was involved specifically.
In doing so- I only realized while writing the dialoague- it became clear what Merrill may have been doing of her own accord. Which I’ll save for a follow-up post, as I’m doing two pages today.

But yeah- old school lore, each time I would get a new perskin, I usually would make a comic where the new one would kill the old one. But realized, if I’m going with a “no longer able to respawn” thing, that means he’s always been able to respawn prior, meaning killing “himself” each time wouldn’t really matter, and prove to only be an annoyance to those around him… hims? :person_shrugging:
Which seemed fitting given how I used to be.
This did, however, provide an opportunity to explain away why Squiddy would wipe the various Gobos’ memories.
I also happened to notice that while “Goob” and the Bald Knight ones were almost entirely Dark Messiah constructs,
Cobo though a Vindictus (the V in that when squiddy said it had to be custom built btw.) but with a bow that was remodeled by Squiddy to have flexes and resized to fit the Kai character.
Vindictus came out in 2010, I don’t think I started playing it til a few years later, but Dark Messiah came out in 2006.
Radically different games, very different uses of the source engine.
Maintain the “Go Between” theme, I decided that the three of them would each represent made-up Greek terms for different aspects of who Gobo was as a whole- or would become.
Goob being “Philos”, the notion of affection or empathy,
Gobo (the bald knight), being Zeal-os, more stern, determined and passionate
and Cobo being “xenos”- the ‘different’ one
All stemming from the ACTUAL greek word “Philoxenus” meaning “compassion” or “hospitality”, which I learned from a sunday school lesson :V


Single day, second page, let’s GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Still wanted to tie in the lore that Merrill was initially thought to be an NPC like anyone else- only for Squiddy to realize she’d become self-aware. But while scripting through the dialogue I realized I could go further. Originally this was meant to be that through the events of Merrill even being in Gmod in the first place was her having travelled there using her Eluvian. Her Mirror- and subsequently being trapped as either she didn’t know how she made it work, or it broke, leading her to seek help and ending up working with Squiddy.
Regardless of the origin, the ultimate goal was to have her ‘go back’, resulting in her fixing her own mirror and basically causing the Cataclysm that is the main storyline in Dragon Age Inquisition.
Literally all I know about that is it somehow involves the Veil being… “non-functional”? and that somehow either being caused or involving the Eluvians.


I then also realized, if Merrill can now travel using her Mirror, who’s to say it can’t function like Gman’s “door”?
Which I thought was a much more interesting Idea.
But it also means there’s a LOOOOOOOOOOOTTT of red tape being broken. Which is no bueno.

Spoiler for next page:
I might try to work in BEC as a character :smiley:

Forgot to post this as well for context


Okay, I think I know what’s going on, haha. Thank you for the lore information! Great couple of pages in any case!

Also… I dislike it when red tape is broken…


(Why do you think Squiddy looks panicked lol)

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Our good friend BEC shows up officially, giving chase! :open_mouth:
And we’re finally… Going Below!!!

Not really sold on the static effect on the cop on the radio, and the connection to the radio on his belt which was shown several pages prior doesn’t look great.
Happy with the page overall though.
Especially the lighting. :smiley:


Sorry Bec!!!
Quick page, a day late because one it’s a holiday (Happy Labor day!) and because of power getting knocked out at my apartment.

Didn’t really plan this out very well, the ice was supposed to look cleaner, but I was trying to do too much in-game.
The glow on the hands was supposed to be similar to the hand motions from Dark Messiah casting “Freeze”, am happy with how that and the steam effect came out.

But where did BEC get dragged off to?!


If we take GMOD Fall Damage logic into consideration…

My head took 10% Damage, so I may have severe case of brain damage… but I’ll be fine! (copium)


Imma have to remember that :open_mouth:

So you went with ”Rrrrrrrr” instead of ”Skronk”, I see :smirk:

The frost effect turned out real nice. Congratulate yourself on that.


Check again, it’s actually “rrraaaogggkk” :stuck_out_tongue:
But yeah, the effect coming from the hands is from

But the ice patch on the floor is what I was whining about.
That’s just the blood pool from L4D retextured with the ice overlay from Dark Messiah.
Definitely coulda done better ^^;
I just didn’t put the effort in

‘Huh… that worked.’ :laughing:

Not confident in his magic skillz yet?

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More that it’s supposed to highlight how cartoonishly overpowered one is when playing Dark Messiah :stuck_out_tongue:
I like the way one reviewer put it that I saw on Youtube:
“You play stealth games like the player isn’t supposed to be there-
You play Dark Messiah like everyone else isn’t supposed to be there.”
Just bust into a room flinging magic, swords, arrows, crates and kicks every which way until you’re the only one left standing.
It’s great :smiley:
But by contrast, how could someone pull off the ol’ banana peel trick against a Metrocop?