Screenshot Contest - Gmod Garbled Gameplay

Hey, remember screenshot contests? I didn’t, but then I did, so here we are. This contest’s theme is Gmod in an alternate game style! By that, I mean representing Garry’s Mod/Half-Life as something other than a First Person Shooter. How about an isometric base builder? Action RPG? Open world crafting survival horror game perpetually in early access? As an example, here’s Jeff in a 2.5D sidescroller game.

SUBMISSIONS: Post your screenshots in this forum thread (keep it under 3 entries per user) for consideration in the contest. Any method of taking/rendering pictures is fine (Gmod, SFM, Blender etc.).

VOTING: “Like” a post of your choosing with the heart icon ( :heart: ) here on the forums to cast an official vote for a picture. No other icons will be considered in voting.

TIMELINE: Submissions will be open until the end of Sunday, June 2nd 2024 (I’m not picky with time zones, don’t worry). Winners will be announced after the voting period lasting one additional week.

PRIZE: 1st place winner wins $15 (CAD) in Steam funds. If anyone would like to donate additional prizes for 2nd or 3rd, please slide into my DMs.

Good luck, and have fun.


Nothing much, but here’s entry 1/3 Half-Life 2 in the style of Silent Hill


Like you suugested Clover, here’s a isometric Life Outside the Walls, complete with Fallout 1 UI. I’d put more effort into it but I have my paper coming up next week.


Got a second entry, which I think will be my main entry
“Left 4 Us”




Half-Life 2: Episode One as a point-and-click adventure


“Under three entries”
Well, I did three, just because 1: Valve, 2: the episodes tie in well, and 3: it shows different encounters well, imo.

I had to use reference shots to construct my own menu, and then I slapped it in each, and had to edit from there to make the names/actions fit the situation.
Kinda happy with how these game out :smiley:


Well, here’s mine- Grand Theft Half-Life 4
I would’ve liked to do the HUD elements better but I’m not a graphic design expert like some of you :stuck_out_tongue:


Omg, all these shots are so GOOD!!!


Just something small to help shake some of my rust off, here’s my attempt:

City 17 Noire:

Alternatively, a smaller animated version, because whats LA Noire without the rapidly changing exaggerated faces!


Half-Life: Project Zomboid (Isometric Survival Game)


Love the creativity in these shots, really fun ideas and nicely executed. Great work, people!

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The face! ahahahahah
God this is too good

We have officially hit the end of the submission period! Voting will be open until the end of Sunday June 9th. As mentioned above, use the “:heart:” reaction/emoticon/whatever you want to call it to vote for your favourite(s).

Good luck to the contestants!

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Congrats to HitoshiAFK’s winning Project Zomboid entry, 2nd place for MadRat’s LA Noire, and a shared 3rd place for Dusk’s Dark Souls and Gobo’s Final Fantasy.


Nice going, everyone. I’m super-satisfied with my submissions and they were fun to make. Both Hunter’s and Dusk’s submissions floored me, and it just goth better from there. Looking forward to next time!


Glorious Festivities and congratulations to Hitoshi!
Well Done to Mad and Dusk!
Very happy everyone participated!
This was a lot of fun! :smiley:


Apologies for not posting on the forums recently; I at least want to say congratulations to all the winners!

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