These comics are insane and hilarious, and i’m 100% here for it.
Something about the office episodes, they do go a bit… strange. I think it’s what happens when you put this many insane characters in one space. Glad you liked it!
I do enjoy these office episodes; but I guess it’s obvious I would. :3
Very good posing and dialogue, as always Andy! And interesting layout, I think the push-and-pull of small panels and big panels works especially well for office comics. It’s like it infuses some kind of excitement into the depiction of dreary corporate life.
I really liked the faint gag, with the text ‘FAINT!’ also working as some kind of visual FX for the direction of the fainting. However I do kind of wish we would get to see the characters in the panels. While it is apparent from the background (and the back rest), I got kind of confused who had actually fainted in the second panel.
You’re spot-on with the two ‘FAINT!’ panels. Without trying to sound pompous, a lot of making a comic is problem-solving, working out the ‘how’. And I just couldn’t work out the how in this case. It’s a case of overthinking and settling on a compromise because it sorta works, just not that well. The answer is probably simple - show their crumpled form leaving the panel, under the ‘FAINT!’ wordart. But this is also a case of ‘Get-there-itis’, something I always suffer from near the end of a comic.
I also think the last panel was a poor choice. As fun as it is to see Joe kick ass, I think it would’ve been funnier to show Paula’s reaction and hear the action take place. Some things are just funnier and more absurd in the mind rather than in pictures. But we live and learn! Hopefully.
Oh, and be honest, did anyone spot Sam’s covert appearances? There’s at least three…
Ah, I know the feeling well! That kind of blindness that mars one’s sensibility. Suddenly details are super important. Is this really how I wish this sequence to go? What about this word? Leading to fatigue, which in turn further impairs one’s ability to perform executive decisions…
Either way, I think it was good enough. But it’s interesting to hear your own thoughts as well. And that ending gag is perfect! No need to worry about that one haha.