No Parking - Episode 16

NO PARKING Mega-Thread



Geez, Nikos is a bit extreme. Gerald is an older gentleman; I donā€™t think he should have to deal with all that crazy ā€˜multi-trainingā€™. o.O Then againā€¦ I donā€™t think anyone should have to deal with it. :laughing:

Was Brian attacked after getting headcrabbed? If so heā€™s had the worst few days. XD

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Nikos just gets a bit carried away sometimes! As for Brianā€¦ Isnā€™t getting headcrabbed bad enough?! lol

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Oh for sure, everything else just adds insult to injury.

No spoilers!

Stress chess

Andy, youā€™re a genius.

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lol! I wish, then I too could master stress chess! Actually, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want to.

ā€Moments laterā€ lol

Youā€™re cooking up something with the Brian reveal, Andy. And youā€™ve got me seriously wondering if lift and dodge has any actual benefits to it.

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What, no takers for Hazard Marathons?

Itā€™s the timed element that puts people off

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