New Suit


Miami G-Vice!

I was afraid you’re already changing suits.


:laughing: lmao, no the models I use for G-Man in my comics will always be the original HL2 one and the one @Petfe put together for me with the bodygroups. Though I will use the ‘Half-Life Badasses’ one for funny stuff orrrrr if I need him to wear glasses. (I do like the reading-glasses option that one has for him, haha.)

Once I get to the HL2 part of UC; G-Man will be wearing his HL2 suit quite a bit to match with the game. He did actually wear it a couple times in the first chapter of UC too, but I am mostly keeping to the bodygrouped suit until HL2 to better match his suits in HL1 and HLA.

Man I hope that all made sense. ._. Or wait… did you mean you thought Dusk was changing suits? XD

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Dude looks set to cruise the 1980s in that suit!


He wanted to look snazzy :smiley:
It’s like when a guy see’s another guy who’s just JACKED,
he’ll immediately feel the urge to do sit-ups or something :V

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