New perk for "Elite" Patreon supporters

Some Metrocop Patreon ( news: “Elite” ($10/mo) tier patrons can now download a completely re-edited, high-quality PDF version of The Adventures of Hercule Cubbage: Chapter One!

I’ve been working on this one for a while now—in fact, technically, ever since I started working on the new Metrocop, a few years back. It’s a 463MB 300dpi PDF, meaning it should print beautifully if you want it to, and will look absolutely amazing on your screen thanks to the remade speech bubbles and effects. I also resorted to AI upscaling to improve the screenshots for print, which should be good enough.

Here’s a (rasterized PNG) example of one of the re-edited pages (click to open full size):

Elite patrons can download it on the Patreon post.

I also published an update on Patreon on a possible new perk I’d like the patrons’ opinion on, so if you support Metrocop on Patreon, head to the link to read and comment on it:

If you want access to the comic and other exclusives such as behind-the-scenes posts and previews of upcoming content, as well as help Metrocop stay afloat and get even more new things, please support us over on Patreon!


So many dots per inch :open_mouth: