(Metrocop.net exclusive) dm_slamjam

Complete meme of a map for Metrocop HL2DM, enjoy?

Grab it from the Steam Workshop!
…or the .bsp directly from my Dropbox!



A thing of pure beauty.


God, I love this map. We should play on it more often, it’s such chaotic fun!

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Oh, THIS one you love? You never appreciate me!

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You… you made this one.

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We probably could play it more often if the map vote thing on the server worked properly and the matches didn’t go on for as long.

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If only we had someone with privileges to change maps… looks at Chris


Chaotic, yet, fun map! Enjoyed putting SLAMs on every wall!

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That is an ability that I do not have on that server.

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We all S.L.A.M. here.
You’ll S.L.A.M. too :3

This is a lie and you know it.

How can I lie about something I don’t know about? :melting_face:

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