Jeff #122

It’s finally time for the conclusion of Jeff and Jerry’s fantasy adventure arc! Seven months in the making, even though I didn’t intend #119 to start a story.


Episode #122 fun facts!

  1. The Skyrim armors that Jeff and Jerry are wearing (Ebony armor and Glass armor respectively) were a pain in the ass to use. One touch of the torso or hips with the physgun would glitch up the entire ragdoll and ruin the posing.
  2. I’d been meaning to incorporate a Jeff model with fingers for a while, but it was a last minute decision to incorporate it into this plotline. Good reward, I think.
  3. The Placeable Particle Effects addon really pulled its weight for this comic (magic effects, blood splatter, portal). Check it out! Details in credits below.

Maps (in order of appearance): Halloween Crypt by “Cathode Ray Kobold,” gm_construct by Garry’s Mod team, d1_trainstation_02 by Valve team, Manifold Garden by “TheOgre26”

Models (in vague order of appearance): Rigged Skyrim Armors by “TheDizcordumSeventh” and “Viktoria,” Skyrim Weapon Pack by “DarkMario,” Medieval Fantasy Playermodels Megapack by “Marty” and “Eskil,” Medieval RP Content by “aE.KoZ,”

Misc: Placeable Particle Effects by “madneo”

Special thanks to George Stukas for hexing Jeff with fingers and Jerry’s head, and Mythos for hexing Jeff’s head.


Episodes like this show just what so many years of experience can truly do. Fantastic stuff, Jeff!


One hell of a story, well told.


What a badass way to end a sequence, absolutely adored this!

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”That’s a terrible loot drop!”

Awesome conclusion to the story arc. A lot of work was put into this, and it shows. The clickable cutscenes, the complex layout coupled with the placeable particles, the changing scenery. All working very well towards the humor.

And you are ever so welcome for the skins - I did take it somewhat personally when Jeff said ”Thanks, Sid” - looking forward to Jeff flipping off those Korin models, picking up stuff with his pinky and giving a nice vulcan salute.

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