Inconvenienced Issue 13

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  • Thank you all for giving me a chance to join this collaboration. I hope this isn’t too crap.

  • From now on you can use Dusk in whatever way you need to (within reason); be it as a plot device, just a ‘G-Woman Sighting’ or not at all.

  • Feel free to change your character’s opinions of her, they’re your characters.

  • I didn’t proof read this too much so apologies if there are errors (it’s bloody long!)

  • I liked the idea of having each of you with a different weapon; so Chris has the stunstick/crowbar, Gobo the sword, Arctic the gun and Stukas just his fists.

  • That’s right, I made sure no barnacles died!

  • Loved Chris’s idea for the citizens being more annoyed with your antics; so went with it further.

  • I was going to have the Combine chopper firing at you originally but couldn’t find a good way to do it… so… I’ll let one of you guys deal with that.

  • Yes I definitely went overboard with the blood in a couple scenes… it was on purpose!


I have only one nitpick, aside from the two typos:
That being you had multiple map changes :stuck_out_tongue:
Mentioned originally that we’re only supposed to do one map change per person max owo
That way we don’t blaze through the whole thing too quickly, BUT
That said, we haven’t exactly been going at rocket speeds lol
All the same, Fantastic job! Lot of funny faces and situations! Loved it XD

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Nope, there’s only two maps used. Map change is at page 18.

Thanks though!

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That was fast, but certainly not lacking in quality. Remember not to overwork yourself, and enjoy the holidays.


I coulda sworn there was another one in there, i must be losing it @_@
My bad then!

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No worries!

That was a fun little adventure through the sewers. From watching the guys figuring out how to pass the barnicles, to George brute forcing the physics puzzle.

That last part was my favotire, because it reminds me of a puzzle in portal 1 or 2 were in order to get into a vent, you have to use portals to get a box next to that vent. OR, you pile up junk, in order to jump on that pile, and then into the vent.

If you could not get the helicopter to fire in game, a way to improve that scene, would be to have the pilot say he didn’t see anyone, so he is moving on with his patrol.

I say this, because what bothered me about that scene, was that they kept having technical problem after technical problem in order for the hero’s to move forward. And that breaks immersion while reading.


Ah well I was hinting at the fact their equipment was fucking up because of Dusk’s influence; both at the bridge and the chopper (it’s why I mentioned music, or radios… referencing distorted trumpets which is also heard by Chris on the radio). Maybe it was a bit too obscure though. ^^;

Her presence can interfere with electrical equipment; she also very likely did it on purpose to help the guys out.

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I think I just read a book. Hats off to you.


Just you wait till I finally get Duskfall written. :grin:


“So are you joining us!?” What a way to start off your rum of Inconvenienced. The posing, the shots, the pacing and layout… topping it off with the dialogue! Such brilliant work, Dusk, and we’re glad to have you on board.

From the eerie close-ups of Gobo’s wrinkled face, to the constant fourth wall-breaking (Chris: “Fixed that mat_spec, eh?”) and the trumpet music, to Dusk’s omnipotent confusion as to whether it’s Stockholm Syndrome or a mind-control device… I love it!

If there is one thing I would say it’s that the text could use a bit more room in the balloons. Of course, it’s what’s inside the balloons that counts though, as you make it abundantly clear with this fantastic comic. Looking forward to your next effort.


Thank you! Glad you convinced me to join haha. :grin:

You’re correct about the bubbles; I’m not the best at getting the dialogue to ‘sit right’. ^^;

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I really enjoyed this one. I am happy I’m not the only one to hear the “Shadow Invasion” line. But then if you pose on those maps long enough that is all you hear. Over, and over, and over again…