The Hazardous Environment Combat Unit, abbreviated as HECU, is a United States Marine Corps Special Forces Unit and its expansions. Specially trained, they deal with a variety of indoor combat situations, particularly involving a dangerous environment and unconventional enemies.
Cool guys know them as Mike & David from Civil Protection series or as “Pick up that can” folks.
The Civil Protection, also known as the “metrocops” and “CPs”, is the police force responsible for law enforcement of all Combinecitizens on Earth, including City 17. Its officers are called and Resistance members when referring to them. The Overwatch Voice uses the term “Protection” and “Protection Teams.”
Overwatch Soldiers , known as Combine Soldiers by Citizens, and Stabilization Teams by the Overwatch Voice, are the basic transhuman infantry units of the Combine Overwatch, and the primary military of the Combine on Earth. In contrast to Civil Protection, whose duties are to enforce order within suppressed population centers, Overwatch soldiers are tasked with more hazardous actions requiring skill and tactic: from patrolling the treacherous borders of Combine-controlled territory to raiding Resistance-held strongholds and neutralizing any form of threat to the Combine.
The Combine Grunt (also known as Echo One in Combine terminology) is one of the four Overwatch units that are part of the Overwatch Commando branch, tasked with all operations relating to The Vault, stationed in the Quarantine Zone and subsequently deployed throughout City 17 during the events of Half-Life: Alyx. They are, however, a lower-ranked soldier class among the four Overwatch Commando units.
Combine Ordinals are the commanding officers of the Overwatch Commando forces stationed within the Quarantine Zone, tasked with the protection and secrecy of The Vault. They have authority over other Combine forces and typically act as team or squad leaders in command, usually heading a squad of Combine Grunts alongside Combine Charger or Combine Suppressor units for support.
The Combine Charger (also known as Wallhammer in Combine phraseology) and also called Combine Heavy by players is one of the four Overwatch Commando units deployed throughout City 17 in Half-Life: Alyx .
The Combine Suppressor (also known as the APF or Antibody Protection Force in Combine phraseology) is a heavy weapons soldier class of the Overwatch Commando unit in Half-Life: Alyx. Suppressors are similar to Combine Chargers in that they are very heavily armored; however, while Chargers attempt to get close to enemies, Suppressors stay at a distance and provide covering fire with the Pulse Minigun.
I am trying to apply these over a voice recording but am getting similar issues to what Finarooni posted. Some, like the APF, just don’t load most of the items. For the Grunt, Audacity doesn’t want to load any “Select Tracks” parts. I had the most recent version, then tried the older 3.3.3 version, both had the same problems